Press forward with Faith, Never turn back

I don't see a reason to lie to everyone, so I'll keep it real. This week was a challenge. I have absolutely no ability to remember any of the of the stuff that we are remembering. I can say hi, bye, how're you doing. And I can kind of pray. But i can say "Allez vous vous faire baptisé" which is will you be baptized. It's not helpful in all of our role play first contacts...

While doing personal study on Tuesday we got a message over the intercom across the entire MTC calling for half of my floor to report to the medical office. So we all go to the medical office to find out that we have two tests a blood test and a white bag test. You can guess what's in the white bag. That was super fun.

On Wednesday we flew to LA to make a personal appearance at the French consulate. It was overall a really good day. It was pretty cool to be a representative of christ in public. We got a comment asking if we were "going to McDonald's to get coffee" and a few other jokes like that. I realized the importance of following the mission rules when we got into the airport and certain people decided to be very descriptive with how they explained the White Bag test. But i also realized that when Jesus would correct the inappropriate  behavior of the apostles he did it lovingly and not like a screaming disaster.

The church gave us the wrong address for yhe consolate so we had to get a second Lyft. While in the consulate this lady from the ivory coast was asking us things in French and we would try to answer and she was surprised we had only been learning for a week. She taught us how to say some things like "that's the stuff" but I'm pretty sure she taught us "that's the shiz".

We had like 5 hours after we got out of the consulate so we walked to 5 guys (like what California we have to get In-n-out, I am very sad about that. Does anyone know a general authority that can like stroll up with a 2x2 no onion, tomato because that would be much appreciated) but we met a guy named Gustavo so we bought him a burger and talked with him. He was this super funny Hispanic dude that lived in Alaska and Canada and he told us a bunch of his story's. We gave him a book of Mormon and shared Moroni's promise with him and he said he would go to church on Sunday. So he like asked where our church was and we didn't know because we aren't from LA. But we have been praying for Gustavo and that he will find his way to church this week.

The ride home from the airport was probably the most enjoyable thing. Elder Ripley, Sœur Stucki, and I shared what we had learned from the day and it was amazing. To be able to go back and share what we learned invited the spirit like nothing else. I'll cherish that ride home from the SLC airport forever. 

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary and to be a Representative of Christ. I am so happy even tho I am completely awful at this language. I know Jesus Christ loves me as he loves all of his children. This is a challenge but I have never been one to give up when things get tough so why would I do that now. I love being here. I can't wait to see other people accept this gospel in their lives and receive that happiness that everyone deserves!

I will see you on the other side,


I was reading in D&C 122 and Ether 12 this week so i invite you guys to do the same. I know that the Lord will bless you for reading the scriptures and praying about what you have read.

Visit to the health center for some bloodwork and other things
Provo Temple on P-day (with his companion, roommates & Souers)
A quick glimpse of the LA Temple as he traveled to the French Consulate to appear for his Visa


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