à la base je suis belge quoi (April 7, 2020)
well this week I will start my 9th transfer in Belgium. big news I have been transferred to Bruxelles and am now companions with Elder Jones. he is a Chinese elder and super nice. we will be speaking Chinese for the transfer. new language new challenges. 3rd city in Belgium... cool cool nbd
this week was really good. we have met with all the recent converts. I am sad to have been transferred from Liège but it will be all right. I will be back to visit. Liège was where I really learned how to do missionary work and to have fun while doing it. I will miss being there and the members but I am excited to apply those lessons in brussels with elder jones.
the quarantine has helped me find a really creative side in the kitchen I have made some really fun meals while playing chopped with Elder Canez he will come into the kitchen grab the 3 items he wants me to cook with then leave me to it. I have learned how to make patisseries, better op frites , and a range of dishes from meatballs and gravy to special improvised chicken with pasta to special sliced potatoes with a home made hybrid cheese.
I really want to be better about writing in my journal during the quarantine. I have written the last few days but before that didn't have the chance to. it was really sad.
I dont know I am doing really good. the quarantine is not fun but life keeps moving along so I will to.
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