This week smote me with a rod...
I don't know how humble I'm going to need to be but this week was a trial. I study all day and focus on SYL (Speak Your Language). I know a lot more French than I did 16 days ago but still. I study so much and try so hard to be obedient. I keep reading the last two sentences from D&C 122:7 and there's never been a more applicable scripture.
A lot of good things happened this week so I will share those things. On Saturday we had an activity where we went around to the other missionaries in my French class and in English talked to them for 5 min about what they like to do and what there families are like. This was literally one of the coolest things we've done. The way you feel when you are able to communicate clearly and they listen and understand is amazing. You understand why people are the way they are. What their needs are. And how you can help them.
We had two wonderful devotionals this week one was a worldwide MTC broadcast with Elder Ulisses Soares of the quorum of the 12 and his wife. He told the story of his family's conversions and it was very similar to my Dads. He read a bunch of journal entries from the missionaries who taught his family and it's amazing to see the ripple effect of teaching one family is. He also spoke a lot about obedience and 110% obedience. It was amazing to see the apostles like a little more off script. They seem a lot more human at the mtc and not over the pulpit at GC. The way that Soares talked about and supported what is wife said was very very cool. Sister Soares talk was super cool too. She spoke about the feelings of doubt and inadequacy. She said something to the effect of "do all you can to face your fears and the Lord will support you till the end"
I came to terms with the fact that I won't be able to do this on my own. It reminded me of the story in Matthew 14. Where the Disciples are sailing and get caught in a storm and so Jesus walks out onto the water. And when the disciples see him they are afraid and they call out in fear of the ghost that they think they are seeing. Jesus comforts them and assures them that it is Him. And so Peter asks that if it is Jesus that he will be able to walk out to him on the water. He steps out and walks out onto the water
"But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"
This week I read a lot from 1 nephi 3 and Matthew 14. I invite you all to read these chapters and I know that as you read you will gain feelings and that as you read the scriptures and pray about what you have read. You can know the truth of all things.
I love being a missionary, I really do. I will follow Elder Soares' council and
"Be Happy,
Enjoy this time,
Rejoice forever"
I know this is where I am supposed to be.I know that this isn't supposed to be easy. I was always prepared for the strongest of winds and the roughest seas. This has never been and will never be a sink or swim situation. It's like sink or walk. I will never be able to do this without the companionship of The Savior. But I know that if I continue to put my faith in Jesus Christ and continue to keep moving forward. I can do this. I have never given up before and I am not going to start now. I love being a missionary. I love being able to be a representative of Jesus Christ. I am confident that eventually I will gain the understanding of the French language that I seek. I can see the gift of tongues' impact in my daily life. I've got this. I will see you in two years.
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Elder Belanger enjoying a little Nothing Bundt Cake for his 19th birthday. |
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Elder Belanger & fellow missionaries waiting for Elder Soares missionary devotional to begin. |
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Elders Belanger & Hanchett in the cafeteria. Asher has enjoyed running into people he knows from home during his time at the MTC. |
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Elder Belanger's district was chosen to "host" new missionaries. Here they are waiting for instructions on what to do. |
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Elders Belanger & Inglish in the cafeteria. Elder Inglish is another missionary who used to live in our stake. |
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