Où es-tu bus 13? (December 3, 2019)

Well this week FLEW by. I am sitting here trying to remember what happened and literally have no recollection of pretty much anything.

This week we celebrated thanksgiving 3 times. 
once with Sébastien (our recent convert) and his family.
One with the Namur ward ( love those members sooooo much) and Lastly with the Schuerch family.

Mamie broke her hip this past week that lady is a flippin trooper. The ward council told us this huge story then we went to visit her in the hospital and she was like, "yeah I fell, broke my hip, when can I walk again?" She is just too much for me.

For english class It was my turn to teach so I taught nothing and played comprehension games, "what can you bring through the Green Glass Door?" and ?"what will you bring under the umbrella?"  I am a monster. both games are just stupid riddles. but they are fun and they had the pupils searching for the words to use.

Ben, a JA (ysa), taught me how Joey from friends says "how you doin'?" It is 《ça vaaaa vous ? 》 This is no the only way I contact people on the street. lets just say the sœurs are getting a lot of potentials...haha just kidding

Transfers were this week, I am staying in Liege with Elder Poll but Sœur Gustafson is leaving :'( and Elder Glade is Leaving :'( 

Random flex: did a hundred pushups one day this week, that was the first time I did that. not trying to brag but I 
was proud of myself so *random awkward kid flex*

well a la prochaine les homies

Frère Bélanger
La Mission Française de Paris


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