"Tenders. Chicken tenders" - Sœur Puahio (November 25, 2019)
This past week was super super good. We had the baptism of Sébastien which was honestly spectacular. We had interviews with President Sorensen. And then today we had district P-day.
The baptism of Sébastien was super cool. I met him a year ago when he came to the Liège chapel after our district council. We taught him a lesson then and then during the first six months of my mission I continued to work with Sébastien and progress towards baptism. Then I was transferred to amiens. When I heard the news that I was transferred to Liège I was so excited to be able to work with him again. And then even more excited for his Baptism.
So here's the deal. When your last name is Bélanger, everyone likes to mess with you and say Boulanger... which is the french word for Baker... I did myself absolutely no favors making freaking delicious cinnamon rolls for the baptism. I now have the entire Liège ward calling me Elder Boulanger...
I gave a talk in church. I am a pretty confident public speaker if I do say so myself. To the point where normally I don't right a talk word for word. I just get up there and say stuff following a list of bullet points or something. So I thought it would be a good idea to test that here in liège, with french. I have literally no idea how to speak this language, still.
Interviews were good. Not a whole lot to say. I got a flu shot so my mission president wouldn't hate me again. I ain't no anti vaccer or nothing like that but the flu shot is STUPID...
But after our long adventure of ice skating. We were sitting in burger king and writing emails and Thunder by imagine dragons turns on so naturally we all start singing along until the chorus which sings
"thunder feel the thunder, lightning and the thunder"
Sœur Puahio our francophone (she is from Brest France and speaks pretty good english but still not a ton) started saying:
"attendez c'est quoi les mots là?"
"Wait what are the words there?"
so we told her what the lyrics were. And she responded
"Oh je pensais que c'était tenders comme le poulet"
"Oh I thought that it was tenders like chicken"
So then we are all laughing and I will now sing for the rest of eternity
I hope that everyone enjoyed this email and that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Because that doesn't exist here...
Frère Bélanger
La Mission Française de Paris
La Mission Française de Paris
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